Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug. 25, 2012

6am today....again Chopin has to pee like a racehorse.  I really curse him during these times.  "Hold it!"  I whimper into his direction.  Last night didn't get to bed til after 2am so I am really exhausted.  I have a houseguest here so I can't let him go into the main loft area as she is sleeping on the daybed and he is going to jump all over her in his excitement.  I like having people in my home....it's nice to have life around me.  However, many times it is hard to have someone else's energy here if it doesn't go well with mine....most people I can only take in small doses.

Watched The Dark Knight Rises last night.  The whole city has been buzzing about Batman and I have been look forward to the experience.  Marion Cotillard, whom I LOVE as an actress bummed me out.  She does not hold anger inside her....she cannot tap into it and comes off flat and glassy.  I have never seen her be so devoid of emotion.  Especially next to Tom Hardy who plays Bane and is extraordinary in his villainous pain.  There is a limit to this girl....and it showed itself in this film.  Too bad.

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